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The Warning general header eld contains detailed status information for the client about a request. This header may indicate that the response does not contain the exact representation of the resource in the origin server. HTTP/1.1 prede ned a few codes, shown in Table 3.14. For example, a 110 Response is stale warning header may indicate that a proxy returned an expired resource from its cache; or a 214 Transformation applied may indicate that a proxy has altered a particular content coding. When a response contains warning headers, then it is the responsibility of the client agent to inform the user in the order that they appear. Entity Headers The entity headers contain metainformation about the entity body or the resource sent by the client and/or server applications. For instance, entity headers indicate the type of data in the entity body. Table 3.15 lists the entity headers de ned in HTTP/1.1. They are part of both the HTTP requests and responses. An unrecognized general, request, or response header is considered an entity header. The Allow entity header informs the client the list of methods supported by the resource identi ed by the request URI. The example below shows that that the server will allow only the GET and HEAD methods. This header merely serves as a suggestion for the client but cannot be forced on the client.

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between-group comparison was used to test for significant differences between cluster solutions using an invariance measure. Alpha was set at 5% in all significance tests. Figure 15.6 presents dendrograms for the subjective distances of BACs based on the hierarchical cluster analysis of the means of experts and nonplayers. Experts (Figure 15.6a) showed a cognitive structure close to the functional structure of the tennis serve. The three functional phases (i.e., preactivation, strike, and final swing) could be identified as distinct tree-like structured clusters in the dendrograms. Experts seemed to group the BACs in their memory according to generic terms that conformed to the solution of special movement problems. An invariance analysis (step 4 of SDA-M) confirmed this interpretation. There was no significant difference between the cognitive BAC framework in experts and the biomechanical demand structure of the movement ( = .70; crit = .68). Results were rather different in nonplayers (Figure 15.6b): BAC clusterings did not reflect the functionally and biomechanically necessary phases so well. Basic action concepts were less clearly grouped, with no close neighborhoods, and the partial clusters usually failed to attain significance. The difference between the cognitive BAC framework and the functionally demanded structure of the action even attained significance in nonplayers ( = .31; crit = .68). The individual clusterings of BACs (data not shown here) were rather similar in experts, with an invariance analysis revealing no significant differences. Significantly distinct subclusters could also be seen in individual lowlevel players, but these were not as functionally well structured. Although the functionally and biomechanically

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